Tuesday, November 2, 2010

nursery admissions

Learner’s Castle School held an open workshop where the Principal Mrs. Bhasin, Counselled the parents not to become tensed up about the admission of their children into the formal primary schools.
They were advised to keep in readiness the following documents necessary for admissions.
The parents highly appreciated these efforts of learners’ castle family spreading awareness about the nursery admission in the formal primary school. The schools ph. nos. list, documents needed, mock forms have all been handed over. This will lessen their apprehensions concerning this new change in their child's life - where the child takes his steps in the wider educational arena. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The need to have NTT, PTT, NPTT, ECCE, B.ED in learner’s Castle school is advantageous as our school can provide a platform for practical teachers training side by side with theoretical knowledge of the specified courses, taught by a professional staff.